Here is the Sorghum, Sorghum bicolor. Sorghum is one of Africa’s greatest contributions to the world’s agricultural diversity, and is a traditional crop in the South. Adaptable and drought tolerant, sorghum varieties exist that provide grain, sweet syrup, animal fodder, or sometimes, more than one crop from a single planting! The main requirement for sorghum is heat—plant the seeds about ½” deep a couple of weeks after spring frosts are over and soil is really warm. Ordinary garden soil and moisture are sufficient to get a crop, although sorghum may be more productive under better conditions. Seeds are ripe at about the same time as sugar content of the stalks reaches maximum. Plants get to 4 feet tall with huge broom like seed clusters at the top. it has a malt like taste and can eaten raw or dried and processed. Sorghum is easy to grow and fun! Open pollinated 40 to 90 days.
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25 seeds
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