Sirja's Love Tomato
Solanum lycopersicum
Here is the Sirja's Love Tomato, Solanum lycopersicum. This tomato originates from Romania and is a rename being it never had a name to begin with. Some consider it a dwarf and some consider it a micro dwarf. This is the story behind it: “There will be no chance to know the original name, perhaps it has had none. A friend of a friend of a friend of a friend – I don't know him and I don't know how he got to know of my passion – had discovered 4 tasty tomatoes somewhere in a small village in Romania and had saved a few seeds and I got them on a piece of paper in 2013 with very vague descriptions, started them first last year. Only one survived late blight, not a single ripe fruit from the others. I only knew that this tomato had been grown in a window box and was yellow, so I put it in a hanging basket (the usual dia I use is about 25 cm or 9 inches). It was an early producer of delicious yellow cherries and when my eldest granddaughter was with me, she picked everything ripe and was very disappointed when there was nothing ripe left. As no name was given, I decided to name it after her, Sirja. She loved these cherries more than any other tomato, therefore Sirja's Love”.The fruits are a egg shaped cherry type with an deep yellow skin and yellow flesh inside that gets to about 1 inch round and weighting around .5 oz. The thing about this variety is has no history we know of and considered a hanging Basket Tomato variety! Plants can get to 18 inches tall in really good soil but plants tend to get to 12 inches tall but more of a bush. Great for salads, eating fresh and for tomato sauce! Open pollinated indeterminate regular leaf early to mid season 55-85 days.
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