Short Yellow Tabasco Pepper
Capsicum annuum
Here is the Short Yellow Tabasco Pepper, Capsicum annuum, Scoville units: 900 to 8,000 SHU. This peppers origins are unknown at this time. It is a little yellow pepper variety that is quite tasty and is often confused as a Tabasco pepper but in fact it is not. It is also classified as a Capsicum frutescens but in fact that is a miss-classification and is a Capsicum annuum. Pods start out green in color then turn to a deep yellow color when fully ripe and get to 1 inch long. Plants can get to 18 to 24 inches tall and tend to be a short type and if pruned they tend to stay very small like 16 inches tall. Pods have an amazing annuum flavor when fresh with a very nice medium burn that don't go away very fast! Excellent for drying and pickling! This is a mid season variety so start early!. Open pollinated 78 to 85+ days.
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10 seeds
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