Red Crystal Spike Pepper
Capsicum annuum
Here is the Red Crystal Spike Pepper, Capsicum annuum, Scoville units: 1000 to 6,000 SHU. This pepper has it's origins from Canada. The peppers get to around 1.5 inches long and smooth skinned that are an upright type large bird pepper. Pods start out green in color then turn to red in color when fully ripe. Plants can get to 3+ feet tall and tend to be really good producers. Pods have an nice annuum like flavor with a very nice smooth crunchiness that is very satisfying but some peppers may be very hot! Here is what the person who sent the seeds told us: "Back in 2009 i found a small pepper in my brothers back seat storage in his car. He said he got it from his boss mucci farms at least 3 years before i found it. When i took seed it gave this potent scent, i couldn't stop coughing. Within a minute of extracting the seeds it started to burn through my gloves. I planted them in my father's greenhouse, which they also planted, chilaca peppers, jalapenos, ancho peppers and super shepherd pepper. Over the course of the years it lost some of its heat and got some different flavors, it definitely changed size. It's very hot still and now it's our favorite chili to cook with and restaurants stopped by our stand and wanted as many bushels as we could produce which is half per plant a day. I had named it red crystal spike, it seems fitting. I had also given it another name red candle flames but i'm not sure it fits" These make a great pickling peppers and also great for salads and drying too! Open pollinated 75 to 90 days.
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10 seeds
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