Purple Ghost Scorpion Pepper
Capsicum chinense
Here is the Purple Ghost Scorpion Pepper, Capsicum chinense, Scoville units: 1,000,000 SHU. This pepper is a cross between a Butch T Scorpion and Purple Bhut Jolokia and was created by a Jeanie Y. from Guam. We sourced our seeds from Mojo peppers at the time. We temporarily named it Hellraiser at the time of the video because we had no idea what it was. But after intense research and a little luck we got the name correct. The strange thing about this variety is it has purple streaking and stripping on the inside of the pod and the ribs are purple as well! It has a stinging type of burn with pods 2 inches in size. Plants get to 3 feet tall. Open Pollinated, 75 days from transplant.
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10 seeds
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