Pumpkin and Gourds
Click HERE for more info on Cucurbita
Pumpkins and gourds are fun to grow for all gardeners. They are a good source of fiber and needed in our daily lives! Sometimes they can be more expensive then fresh vegetables in the supermarket! So growing Pumpkins and gourds is a wise move when you are crunching the budget. HRSeeds.com offers you a good variety of grains to choose from. Tatume, Cucurbita pepo, Jack Be Little Pumpkin, Atlantic Giant Pumpkin, Big Max Pumpkin, Prizewinner Pumpkin, Big Moon Pumpkin, Kakai Pumpkin, Jarrahdale Pumpkin, Cinderella Pumpkin, Fairytale Pumpkin, Cheese Pumpkin, Musquee de Provence, Baby Boo Pumpkin, Blue Doll Pumpkin, Connecticut Field Pumpkin, Howden Pumpkin, The Jack O’Lantern Pumpkin, Peanut Pumpkin, Warty Pumpkin, Hokkaido Pumpkin, Dickinson Pumpkin, Marina Di Chioggia Pumpkin, Munchkin Pumpkin, Queensland Blue Pumpkin, Knucklehead Pumpkin, Seminole Pumpkin, Crookneck Pumpkin, Crown Prince Pumpkin, Blaze Pumpkin, Calabaza Pumpkin, Lumina Pumpkin, Small Sugar Pumpkin, Styrian Pumpkin, Rumbo Pumpkin, Baby Bear Pumpkin, Lady Godiva Pumpkin, Pepitas Pumpkin, Baby Pam Pumpkin, Aladdin Pumpkin, Casperita Pumpkin, Cotton Candy Pumpkin, Ghost Rider Pumpkin, Warty Goblin Pumpkin, Autumn Gold Pumpkin, Flat White Boer Pumpkin, Trombone Pumpkin, Ash Gourd Pumpkin, Full Moon Pumpkin, Gladiator Pumpkin, Mammoth Gold Pumpkin, Moonshine Pumpkin, Sparkler Pumpkin, Spirit Pumpkin, Spookie Pumpkin, Valenciano Pumpkin, Cronus Pumpkin, Apple gourd, daisy gourd, African Drum gourd, White Pear gourd, Kentucky Bushel Gourd, Bushel Gourd, Bushel Gourd, Hoargarth gourd, Hopi Rattle Gourd, Basket Gourd, Canteen Gourd, Snake Gourd, Spinning Gourd, Harvest Bowl Gourd, Tobacco Box Gourd, Nest Egg Gourd, Yugoslavian Fingers gourd, Bottle Gourd, Spoon Gourd, Koshare Yellow Banded Gourd, Penguin Gourd, Shenot Crown of Thorns gourd, Long Handle Dipper Gourd, Extra Long Handle Dipper Gourd, Turk's Turban gourd, Speckled Swan gourd, Cave Man's Club gourd, Dinosaur gourd, Water Jug gourd, Bule, Luffa Sponge gourd are just some of the Pumpkins and gourds we will offer from time to time. We soon plan to offer plant starts in spring to many of these varieties once we can expand our greenhouses and gardens.
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