Here is the Jerusalem cherry, Solanum pseudocapsicum, THE FRUITS FROM THIS PLANT IS NOT EDIBLE. The Jerusalem cherry originates from Bolivia, Brazil, and the southern parts of South America and is also known as Winter Cherry or Christmas Cherry. They are a green to orange to red colored after ripening berry. The plants can reach 24 inches tall and produces dozens of berries per plant! This plant can live up to 10 years if cared for right. It starts producing fruit usually after its 2nd or 3rd year, and every year after that. Solanocapsine is the toxin of the Jerusalem Cherry. It is close to alkaloids like atropine and solanine and while they are not really life-threatening for humans, they are potent enough to possibly trigger gastric problems such as vomiting and gastroenteritis. The Jerusalem Cherry is a tenacious little plant that is tolerant to cold temperatures and prefers mild temperatures and around 40 – 50% relative humidity, but will not survive frost. A must grow for any collector! Open pollinated, mid to late season, red color, perennial, easy grow, 69 to 100+ days to overwinter for 10 years or more. LOT# 2 B3 TAG# 148-2022
Jerusalem cherry, Solanum pseudocapsicum
20 Seeds
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Planting Instructions
Germination Info
1) Prepare for planting. Sprout tomato seeds in small containers, preferably 4" or smaller. In-ground germination is not recommended. Use a standard potting mix that is well drained. Start seeds in containers approximately 8 weeks prior to the planned set-out date. Plants should ultimately be transplanted to the garden 1-2 weeks after the expected date of last frost.2) Plant seeds. Plant seeds 1/4" deep in the soil. Cover with soil and water carefully. Overwatering can cause fungal growth which leads to seed rot. Excess water can also bury seeds deep in the soil where they will not be able break the surface. Water when the soil surface just begins to dry. Multiple seeds can be planted in a single starter container, but should be thinned once seedlings appear so only a single plant remains. Seeds do not require light for germination but some light source should be provided for seedlings once they emerge from the soil.
3) Germination. Soil should be kept consistently warm, from 70-85F. Cool soils, below about 60-65F, even just at night, will significantly delay or inhibit germination. Hot soils above 95F will also inhibit germination.
4) Care of seedlings. Once a few true leaves have developed, seedlings should be slowly moved outside (if sprouted indoors) to ambient light. Care should be taken not to expose seedlings to direct, scorching sun so plants may need to be hardened off via slow sun exposure. Hardening off can be done using a shaded or filtered light location, as well as protection from strong winds, rain or low humidity. Hardening off time varies, but can take 5-10 days.
5) Planting out. Plant in the ground once danger of frost has past and daytime temperatures consistently reach 65F. Plants can be spaced as close as 24" apart. Germination time: 1-3 weeks under ideal conditions.