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The Blue Lake Stringless Pole Bean, Phaseolus vulgaris, is a great choice for heavy production. This pole bean is stringless which means its great for eating fresh right off the vine! It is a round 6 inch long green bean but if left on the plant it will produce a smaller while bean which is great for long term storage. The vines can get to 20 feet long and need a good size trellis. Its a great all around pole bean that will work in any growing zone. Resistant to common bean mosaic 45 to 120+days or till first frost

Blue Lake Stringless Pole Bean

SKU: 9712-12
PriceFrom $2.99
  • Quantity

    12 Bean  Seeds


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    Culture: Legumes have moderate fertility needs. Go easy on the nitrogen. Excessive nitrogen may induce some varieties to develop vines in moist hot weather. Tender, will not survive frost. Plant 3–4 seeds/ft. in rows 24–30" apart. Pick frequently for maximum yields, but avoid disturbing foliage in wet weather to prevent spread of fungal diseases. White-seeded beans usually don’t germinate as well as dark-seeded. Minimum germination soil temperature 60°. Optimal range 60–80°. Optimal temperature 77°. Emergence takes 16 days at 59°; only 8 days at 77°. Produce 97% normal seedlings at 77°, but only 47% at 86°.
        ANTH: Anthracnose
        BBS: Bacterial Brown Spot
        CBMV: Common Bean Mosaic Virus
        CTV: Curly Top Virus
        DM: Downy Mildew
        HB: Halo Blight
        NY 15: NY 15 Mosaic Virus
        PM: Powdery Mildew
        PMV: Pod Mottle Virus
        R: Rust
        SC: Sclerotina
    Wider spacing reduces likelihood of SC (white mold). Don’t disturb wet foliage.

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