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Here is the Pinocchio Tomato, Solanum lycopersicum. The Pinocchio Tomato  is a micro dwarf variety and originated in the USA. This is a variant of the Orange Pinocchio Tomato. The plants can get to 8 inches tall but will stay much smaller if pruned regular. the fruits are dark orange and get to around 3/4 inches round. This variety is classified as a "determinate" type but we found that with regular pruning and good maintenance, the plants can live for years in small pots! The fruits are very tasty and sweet! Open pollinated early season regular dwarf leaf determinate 40 to forever days.
Here is the Pinocchio Tomato, Solanum lycopersicum. The Pinocchio Tomato  is a micro dwarf variety and originated in the USA. This is a variant of the Orange Pinocchio Tomato. The plants can get to 8 inches tall but will stay much smaller if pruned regular. the fruits are dark orange and get to around 3/4 inches round. This variety is classified as a "determinate" type but we found that with regular pruning and good maintenance, the plants can live for years in small pots! The fruits are very tasty and sweet! Open pollinated early season regular dwarf leaf determinate 40 to forever days.
Here is the Pinocchio Tomato, Solanum lycopersicum. The Pinocchio Tomato  is a micro dwarf variety and originated in the USA. This is a variant of the Orange Pinocchio Tomato. The plants can get to 8 inches tall but will stay much smaller if pruned regular. the fruits are dark orange and get to around 3/4 inches round. This variety is classified as a "determinate" type but we found that with regular pruning and good maintenance, the plants can live for years in small pots! The fruits are very tasty and sweet! Open pollinated early season regular dwarf leaf determinate 40 to forever days.
Here is the Pinocchio Tomato, Solanum lycopersicum. The Pinocchio Tomato  is a micro dwarf variety and originated in the USA. This is a variant of the Orange Pinocchio Tomato. The plants can get to 8 inches tall but will stay much smaller if pruned regular. the fruits are dark orange and get to around 3/4 inches round. This variety is classified as a "determinate" type but we found that with regular pruning and good maintenance, the plants can live for years in small pots! The fruits are very tasty and sweet! Open pollinated early season regular dwarf leaf determinate 40 to forever days.

Pinocchio Tomato (Micro Dwarf)

Solanum lycopersicum

Here is the Pinocchio Tomato, Solanum lycopersicum. The Pinocchio Tomato  is a micro dwarf variety and originated in the USA. This is a variant of the Orange Pinocchio Tomato. The plants can get to 8 inches tall but will stay much smaller if pruned regular. the fruits are dark orange and get to around 3/4 inches round. This variety is classified as a "determinate" type but we found that with regular pruning and good maintenance, the plants can live for years in small pots! The fruits are very tasty and sweet! Open pollinated early season regular dwarf leaf determinate 40 to forever days.

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