Paradeisfrüchtig Frührot Pepper
Capsicum annuum var. grossum
Here is the Paradeisfrüchtig Frührot Pepper, Capsicum annuum var. grossum, Scoville units: 000 SHU. This Pepper originates from Austria and is widely used through out the region. The pepper has a red skin when ripe but starts off green. Fruits tend to be a flattened and ribbed pepper shape and sometimes referred to as "retund". The fruits get to 3 inches across and about 1.5 inches thick with thick walls. They have a great pepper flavor and very crispy but has no heat. This pepper is considered to be uncommon in the market place. One plant can produce a dozen or more peppers and get to 2 feet tall. You can Grow it as an annual or ornamental in the vegetable garden or bring it in for the winter! Open pollinated 75 days.
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10 seeds
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