Ms. Junie Hatch Pepper
Capsicum annuum
Here is the Ms. Junie Hatch Pepper, Capsicum annuum, Scoville units: 000 to 2000 SHU. This pepper originates from Hatch, New Mexico USA. It is a semi large Marconi type pepper often time has some kind of heat on it but a lot of times they are sweet. Pods start out green then ripen to red in color when fully ripe with skins that are smooth and crispy. Plants can get to 4 feet tall and produce dozens of fruits per plant. Pods have an amazing rich flavor with a low burn that don't last very long! The fruit size ranges from 6.5 to 12 inches long and can produce well over a dozen peppers per plant. Open pollinated mid season 70 to 87 days.
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