GRIF 9148 Pepper
Capsicum annuum
Here is the GRIF 9148 Pepper, Capsicum annuum, Scoville units: 100 to 1,200 SHU. This pepper originates from Costa Rica. It is a pasilla-type pepper variety that is quite tasty and sometimes refereed to as the "Holy Mole Pepper" but it is NOT the Holy Mole Pepper at all. It is also classified as a Capsicum frutescens L. but in fact that is a miss-classification and is a Capsicum annuum. Pods start out dark green in color then turn to a deep dark brown color when fully ripe and get to 9 inches long. Plants can get to 2 feet tall and tend to be a short type and if pruned they tend to stay very small like 20 inches tall. Pods have an amazing annuum flavor when fresh with a very nice light burn that don't go away very fast! Excellent for drying and pickling! This is a long season variety so start early!. Open pollinated 88 to 120+ days.
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10 seeds
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