Evergreen Pepper
Capsicum chinense
Here is the Evergreen Pepper, Capsicum chinense, Scoville units: 1,000 to 15,000+ SHU. This Pepper origins unknown at this point. Just to be clear, this is NOT the 7 Pot Evergreen pepper or the GRIF 9275 as some sites are claiming, However it may be a variation of the GRIF 9275 pepper. It is a medium sized pointed shaped green habanero pepper that looks similar to a bhut. Pods get to around 1.5 to 3 inches long with fruits having a green colored skin when fully ripe. These pods never get any other color then lighter green or darker green which makes it difficult to know when to harvest. Plants can get to 3 feet tall and produce dozens of pods! Please note that the heat varies from pepper to pepper as some fruits are low heat but others may be very hot. We found these to be great for roasting and fresh eating too! Open pollinated mid season 65 to 90+ days.
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10 seeds
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