Dill's Atlantic Giant Pumpkin
Cucurbita pepo
Here is the Dill's Atlantic Giant Pumpkin, Cucurbita pepo. This amazing pumpkin was Developed by Howard Dill to win a giant pumpkin contest. This pumpkin can get to 2000 lbs with the currant record holder at 2009 Lbs! They need very Fertile soil, good irrigation and wide spacing at 70 or more square feet and full direct sunlight per plant. This variety can be very challenging to grow due to insects like vine borers and squash bugs as well as being very demanding for water! Yes! They drink a ton of water. They can be eaten but the flesh is not very tasty and can be a bit mushy and wet. They are mostly grown for giant pumpkin competitions and are a long season type. Open pollinated 130 days.
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