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Here is the Chocolate Habanero Pepper also known as the Congo Black pepper, Capsicum chinense, scoville units: 50,000 ~ 300,000 SHU. Instead of the usual red or orange type, This Habanero turns an attractive chocolate color when ripe. It is also much hotter than the usual varieties. This variety is a heavy producer with as many as 100 pods on one plant! Plants get to around 3 feet but stay much shorter if pruned. We also found these to taste very nice as a flake or powder and dries very easy. The word Habanero means from Havana. Open pollinated 70 days.
Here is the Chocolate Habanero Pepper also known as the Congo Black pepper, Capsicum chinense, scoville units: 50,000 ~ 300,000 SHU. Instead of the usual red or orange type, This Habanero turns an attractive chocolate color when ripe. It is also much hotter than the usual varieties. This variety is a heavy producer with as many as 100 pods on one plant! Plants get to around 3 feet but stay much shorter if pruned. We also found these to taste very nice as a flake or powder and dries very easy. The word Habanero means from Havana. Open pollinated 70 days.
Here is the Chocolate Habanero Pepper also known as the Congo Black pepper, Capsicum chinense, scoville units: 50,000 ~ 300,000 SHU. Instead of the usual red or orange type, This Habanero turns an attractive chocolate color when ripe. It is also much hotter than the usual varieties. This variety is a heavy producer with as many as 100 pods on one plant! Plants get to around 3 feet but stay much shorter if pruned. We also found these to taste very nice as a flake or powder and dries very easy. The word Habanero means from Havana. Open pollinated 70 days.
Here is the Chocolate Habanero Pepper also known as the Congo Black pepper, Capsicum chinense, scoville units: 50,000 ~ 300,000 SHU. Instead of the usual red or orange type, This Habanero turns an attractive chocolate color when ripe. It is also much hotter than the usual varieties. This variety is a heavy producer with as many as 100 pods on one plant! Plants get to around 3 feet but stay much shorter if pruned. We also found these to taste very nice as a flake or powder and dries very easy. The word Habanero means from Havana. Open pollinated 70 days.

Chocolate Habanero Pepper

Capsicum chinense

Here is the Chocolate Habanero Pepper also known as the Congo Black pepper, Capsicum chinense, scoville units: 50,000 ~ 300,000 SHU. Instead of the usual red or orange type, This Habanero turns an attractive chocolate color when ripe. It is also much hotter than the usual varieties. This variety is a heavy producer with as many as 100 pods on one plant! Plants get to around 3 feet but stay much shorter if pruned. We also found these to taste very nice as a flake or powder and dries very easy. The word Habanero means from Havana. Open pollinated 70 days.

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