Capsicum Rhomboideum Pepper
Capsicum rhomboideum
Here is the Capsicum rhomboideum Pepper also known as the Capsicum ciliatum, Scoville units: 000 SHU. It is a perennial member of the genus Capsicum and is considered a distant wild relative of the chili pepper. Its fruit do not have any pungency or heat and are a 0 on the Scoville Heat Unit scale. It gets its name from the rhomboidal to elliptical shape of its leaves. It is native to Mexico, Central America, and Andean region of South America. It can take up to 4 years before it flowers and fruits! the plants can get quite big as large as 8 feet tall and spreads out just as wide. The berries or peppers if you will, are about 1/4 inch at best and a deep mahogany red color. after the 4 year waiting period they become pretty good producers! NOT a beginner plant. Open pollinated seeds can take up to 3 months to sprout. 100+ days.
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Capsicum rhomboideum Pepper Cuttings
Capsicum rhomboideum
Here is the Capsicum rhomboideum aka Capsicum ciliatum. This section is for Capsicum rhomboideum cuttings. We are now offering rooted and not-rooted cuttings. They may have some leaves on them but most leaves will be removed before shipping. Cuttings will be put into a bag with a wet paper towel. Upon receiving, wash off cuttings and put back into fresh clean water until it starts rooting. Will start roots 2 to 3 weeks or earlier. They root very easy so change water every day or so. 4 -6 inch cuttings are from known fruiting plants.
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1 cutting
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