Blue Ivyleaf Morningglory
Ipomoea hederacea
Here is the Blue Ivyleaf Morningglory, Ipomoea hederacea. This Variety of morning glory is native to Pennsylvania USA. There 3 variations of this vine with flowers colored white, blue, purple and pink, This listing is for the blue type and is a summer annual twining or climbing vine with distinctive 3-lobed leaves and large showy blue flowers. A common plant of agronomic, horticultural, and nursery crops found throughout the southeastern and into the north central and northeastern United States.. These vines will from time to time pop up on our property from time to time and decided to now offer it. Flowers are a beautiful neon blue color with black seeds. Vines can get to 20 feet long but tend to stay around 10 feet long. Flowers tend to be fully open in the morning hours and close up by noon. Please don't confuse it with Bindweed and only reproduces its self by seed and not buy roots or runners and is an annual where as bindweed is perennial. Open pollinated annual ivy leaf 45-80 days or late fall.
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6 seeds
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