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Bleeding Borg 9 Pepper
Capiscum chinense
Here is the Bleeding Borg 9 Pepper, Capiscum chinense, Scoville units: 1,000,000+ SHU. This pepper originated from the UK and was created by Jon Harper. It is a cross between the Naglah pepper and Bubblegum 7 pod pepper and named after the famous actor Ernest Borgnine. Pods are around 2 inches long that are red an goes up the stem and calyx and can have a wide range of heat. Plants get to around 4 feet tall in full sun and can produce over 100 fruits in a season. Flavor is quite strange with a bit of tanginess but with an authentic taste. The pepper seeds are few per pod so seeds are limited. Open Pollinated 95 days.
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5 seeds
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