Biquinho Amarelo Pepper
Capsicum chinense
Here is the Biquinho Amarelo Pepper, Capsicum chinense, Scoville units: 400 to 1,500 SHU. This Pepper originates from Minas Gerais, Brazil. It is also known as Chupetinho, Pimenta de Bico or Chupetinha pepper but this is Yellow type. The Amarela (Yellow) variety is similar to the red variety with fruits getting to 1 inches long with a point to them. This is a very strange pepper variety as the fruits are shaped like a birds yellow beak. They are a good productive variety. with plants reaching 3 feet tall. Fruits are yellow and heat range from low heat to medium hot. We found these to be great for pickling and fresh eating too! Open pollinated mid season 80 to 90+ days.
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