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Here is the Bell of Göllü pepper, Capsicum annuum, Scoville units: 1000+ SHU. It is a unique, rare and old fashion pepper from the town of Göllü, Turkey. The bell shaped pepper has thick bright red flesh with cracks on the surface, a sign of fully ripe peppers. These peppers have thick flesh, sometimes as thick as bell pepper but much sweeter and juicer though. Even though the peppers taste really sweet, they still have a trace of heat. Not too hot to eat fresh or cooked. In contrast, the pepper is considered a great stuffing variety where not many seasonings are needed. Short productive plants that can get to 3 feet tall do well in containers. Open pollinated 80 days.
Here is the Bell of Göllü pepper, Capsicum annuum, Scoville units: 1000+ SHU. It is a unique, rare and old fashion pepper from the town of Göllü, Turkey. The bell shaped pepper has thick bright red flesh with cracks on the surface, a sign of fully ripe peppers. These peppers have thick flesh, sometimes as thick as bell pepper but much sweeter and juicer though. Even though the peppers taste really sweet, they still have a trace of heat. Not too hot to eat fresh or cooked. In contrast, the pepper is considered a great stuffing variety where not many seasonings are needed. Short productive plants that can get to 3 feet tall do well in containers. Open pollinated 80 days.
Here is the Bell of Göllü pepper, Capsicum annuum, Scoville units: 1000+ SHU. It is a unique, rare and old fashion pepper from the town of Göllü, Turkey. The bell shaped pepper has thick bright red flesh with cracks on the surface, a sign of fully ripe peppers. These peppers have thick flesh, sometimes as thick as bell pepper but much sweeter and juicer though. Even though the peppers taste really sweet, they still have a trace of heat. Not too hot to eat fresh or cooked. In contrast, the pepper is considered a great stuffing variety where not many seasonings are needed. Short productive plants that can get to 3 feet tall do well in containers. Open pollinated 80 days.
Here is the Bell of Göllü pepper, Capsicum annuum, Scoville units: 1000+ SHU. It is a unique, rare and old fashion pepper from the town of Göllü, Turkey. The bell shaped pepper has thick bright red flesh with cracks on the surface, a sign of fully ripe peppers. These peppers have thick flesh, sometimes as thick as bell pepper but much sweeter and juicer though. Even though the peppers taste really sweet, they still have a trace of heat. Not too hot to eat fresh or cooked. In contrast, the pepper is considered a great stuffing variety where not many seasonings are needed. Short productive plants that can get to 3 feet tall do well in containers. Open pollinated 80 days.

Bell of Göllü Pepper

Capsicum annuum

Here is the Bell of Göllü pepper, Capsicum annuum, Scoville units: 1000+ SHU. It is a unique, rare and old fashion pepper from the town of Göllü, Turkey. The bell shaped pepper has thick bright red flesh with cracks on the surface, a sign of fully ripe peppers. These peppers have thick flesh, sometimes as thick as bell pepper but much sweeter and juicer though. Even though the peppers taste really sweet, they still have a trace of heat. Not too hot to eat fresh or cooked. In contrast, the pepper is considered a great stuffing variety where not many seasonings are needed. Short productive plants that can get to 3 feet tall do well in containers. Open pollinated 80 days.

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