BBG7 MAMP Black Pepper
Capsicum chinense
Here is the BBG7 MAMP (Mojo Addicted Mutation Pepper) Black Pepper, Capsicum chinense, Scoville units: 100,000 ~ 350,000+ SHU. This pepper originates from Italy and was created by Mojo peppers. It is a cross between BBG 7 pot pepper and the Pimenta da Neyde pepper. Pods start out pitch black then ripens to red mottled with orange, green and black with an red calyx and gets to around 2.5 inches long. Plants can get to 5 feet tall and produce dozens of fruits per plant. The peppers have an amazing rich flavor with a very medium striking burn that don't go away very fast! It is now an F-2 or older, and is somewhat stable. Open pollinated 90+ days.
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10 seeds
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