Aji Ethiopian Fire Pepper
Capsicum baccatum
Here is the Aji Ethiopian Fire Pepper, Capsicum baccatum, Scoville units: 5000 to 10,000 SHU. This pepper originates from the country of Ethiopia. It is a pendulum pepper with pods getting 2.5 inches long and smooth skinned. Pods start out light green in color then turn to orange and red in color when fully ripe. Plants can get to 3+ feet tall and tend to be a large plants but if pruned they tend to stay small like 3 feet tall. Pods have an nice baccatum or berry like flavor with a very nice smooth crunchiness that is very satisfying but some peppers may be very hot! These make a great roasting pepper especially when frying and hold up well on the grill and also great for pickling and drying too! Please note that this pepper is not the same as the "Bleeding Ethiopian Fire Pepper" which has a bleeding calyx. Open pollinated 80 to 100 days.
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10 seeds
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