7 Pot Original Red Pepper
Capsicum chinense
Here is the 7 Pot Original Red Pepper, Capsicum chinense, Scoville units: 1,000,000 ~ 1,200,000 SHU. This pepper originates from the island of Trinidad and was said to be found in an uncultivated field in Trinidad. Its called 7 pot cause one pod is said to provide enough heat to spice up 7 pots of stew. This is the original strain that was first used an discovered before all the cross breading occurred. Fruits have a good, fruity flavor with an interesting combination of sweet and spice that make them popular for hot sauces and eating fresh. Plants can get to 4 feet tall in full sun light but mostly stays around 3 feet tall and Compact. Pods get to around 1.5 inches round and plants can produce dozens of fruits! Its a good producer. Open pollinated, 75 to 100+ days.
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